Any time you visit the dentist you likely hear at least a few terms around that you may be familiar with but may not completely understand. One of those terms is “root canal,” and it involves one of the most common dental procedures performed. Let’s take a brief look at what exactly a root canal is and why they’re needed.
Your teeth may feel hard on the outside, but did you know there is soft tissue inside the root of every tooth? A root canal is the space inside of each tooth that contains this soft tissue, otherwise known as pulp. Over time, this pulp can occasionally become inflamed from a variety of diseases. Whether you’re suffering from a cavity or even an injury like a cracked tooth, an inflammation of the tissue inside your teeth is something you don’t want to deal with. That’s where root canal treatments come in.
This relatively simple procedure involves removing the portion of infected pulp from inside your tooth. Once the diseased portion of the pulp has been extracted, the dentist will clean the area and seal the root canal, often with a crown or filling. This process ensures that the space inside the tooth can heal and further procedures aren’t needed. Removing infected pulp from a root canal is incredibly vital as if nothing is done, often the whole tooth will need to be removed.
Avoid the need to ever have a root canal with some routine prevention. Brush your teeth and gums on a regular basis, and don’t forget to schedule regular checkups with your dentist. In the event you’re suffering from a sore or inflamed tooth, it can often be resolved in as little as one visit. For more information about root canals and what we can do to help, call Genesee Dental today at 585-343-1113 to speak with a member of our dental care team or schedule your next appointment online now.