Dental fillings aren’t as scary as they sound. Now you might be nervous about getting a cavity filled. After all, it’s not something you do everyday. But at Genesee Dental, the process is done in such a way to help make you feel as comfortable as possible.
Dental Anxiety is Real
While many people suffer from dental anxiety– the fear of having their teeth worked on– you know it makes sense to get your cavities filled or else face the consequences of chronic pain. Rather than avoid going to the dentist altogether, you have an idea in your head that it’s something necessary to do, and with some confidence you can handle it, right?
How Genesee Dental Makes You Comfortable
When you visit Genesee Dental, the dentist will examine your problem area(s) and decide whether or not you need to have a cavity or cavities filled. Maybe you’ve got a crack in your tooth. Maybe there’s a minor fracture. It’s not unusual for a dentist to take some X-rays of your mouth, and then look at them to see if/where cavities could be present. If a cavity is found, it can be filled in a non-invasive way, and the process typically takes less than an hour.
To numb the tooth and surrounding area, you might get a local anesthetic administered by injection or a topical gel might be used… and some dentists will use nitrous oxide gas to help take away the feeling of pain from the procedure. There’s also such a thing as “sedation dentistry” which involves the use of medication to sedate a person during the filling.
Once a person is “numb,” the dentist removes decay from the damaged tooth. A filling gets placed over the area. The dentist will make sure the filling is smooth and polished such that it’s not too high or too edgy. Basically, by the time it’s over you’ll barely even know you’ve had a filling put in!
At Genesee Dental, fillings are done all the time. It’s something most people have to get at one time or another in their lifetime. If you’re nervous about the process, feel free to talk it over with the staff beforehand so a plan can be made to make your experience as pain-free and “enjoyable” as possible! Please call Genesee Dental at 585-343-1113 for more information.