Most people over the age of 35 have gum disease. It’s estimated that 75 percent of Americans over that age have it! And gum disease is linked to other issues, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes complications and more. How might you know you have gum disease or at least something not quite right with your gums? There are some signs to look for…
Bleeding Gums
Do your gums bleed, especially when you floss? You might have gingivitis, which is the earliest stage of gum disease. If your gums do bleed, mention it to your dentist the next time you visit. Have your dentist take a closer look at what’s going on with your gums.
Receding Gums
Besides bleeding, there’s receding, which is where your teeth start to look longer because your gums are pulling away from the base of your teeth. You probably have had a bacterial infection that has destroyed some of your gum tissues, and when gums recede that’s a warning sign for gum disease.
Odorous Breath
How’s your breath? Have people told you it’s bad? That could be a sign of gum disease. Most likely you’ve got odor-causing bacteria in your mouth and they’ve multiplied and reproduced in unhealthy gums. You might have an unpleasant taste in your mouth because of this, and people might notice your breath smells bad.
Tender Gums
What about tender or swollen gums that feel painful? If your gums are inflamed, they’re trying to eject harmful bacteria that could be causing an infection. You might also experience tooth sensitivity as a result of gum disease whereas chronically inflamed gum tissue is exposing the root of your tooth which causes you pain.
If you’ve noticed any signs of gum disease, please make an appointment with Genesee Dental by calling 585-343-1113. Genesee Dental is located at 37 Batavia City Centre in Batavia, New York.