What do you know about dentists? What do dentists think about when they’re working on your teeth/mouth?
For starters, dentists pay attention to a number of things regarding oral health– not just teeth. A good dentist is going to notice and help correct jaw problems. They’ll also be on the lookout for signs of oral cancer.
Discover the Right Way
Dentists can tell how well you brush your teeth. Ideally, it’s best to allow toothpaste to sit on the teeth for a while because it’s essentially a topical agent– the longer it comes into contact with your teeth, the more effective it is. Dentists can share with you “the right way” to use toothpaste. Dentists can also tell how well you floss. They look at your gum tissue to determine that information– and if you’re flossing “wrong,” you could be causing unnecessary inflammation. Dentists can demonstrate how to floss properly.
Did you know dentists realize that medications you take could be causing cavities to form? As people age and take pills for issues like blood pressure or anxiety, those pills can cause a reduction in salivary flow, which, in turn, leads to tooth decay. Therefore, tell your dentist what medications you’re on.
Dentists Have Seen it All
Finally, dentists are glad you’re there, in the chair, to have your teeth and mouth examined. Why? Well, far too many people are scared or embarrassed– they don’t come to the dentist because they’re convinced they’ll need work done that’ll hurt, or they think their teeth are “too ugly” to be dealt with! A dentist is a person’s ally, though. They want you to have a healthy mouth with good gums and teeth and a decent smile you’re not afraid to show to others.
In Batavia, where can you go where you’ll feel welcome and comfortable? Genesee Dental is the logical choice; Call 585-343-1113 to set up an appointment.