Some things in this life can last forever and stand the test of time, like when you see a vintage Mustang rounding the corner of your street. What you don’t know about the owner of that Mustang is how much work he puts into that car to keep it in the pristine condition like it had in 1969. Like that car, your teeth can last a lifetime and stay in good shape if you take care of them.
There are so many factors that play into how well your teeth will stand the test of time. If you floss daily and brush your teeth twice daily your teeth will hold up much better than someone that doesn’t do the same. However, if you mistreat your teeth, you can also risk your teeth and dental work not lasting through your entire lifetime. Such factors as bad eating habits, chewing on hard items or – something we’ve all been guilty of at some point – opening things with our teeth.
Have you had dental work done in the past? Chances are that you have. Does dental work last forever you may ask? Well, just like your teeth themselves, it depends largely on how well you treat your mouth after the dental work is completed. If you are doing some of the aforementioned habits, your dental work may not last 30 or more years. You can have a higher risk of cracking a filling or losing a crown before their expected lifespan is up.
Another factor that can impact the longevity of your teeth is gum disease. Severe gum disease can cause your teeth to begin falling out. If you catch the signs of gum disease early enough, in the gingivitis phase, you still have time to reverse the condition with periodontal care and by improving overall dental hygiene habits.
So, can your teeth last forever? Yes, they actually can. All you have to do is stay on top of your dental care, regularly floss, brush your teeth and be responsible with what you are putting in your mouth. Of course, routine dental appointments are also a large part of maintaining your dental health. Schedule your next appointment today by calling Genesee Dental at 585-343-1113 or conveniently request your next appointment online now.