There is a ton of family fun to be had during the summer months. Kids are busy playing sports and swimming at the pool, while parents supervise activities and take the family on road trips. Although all of us at Genesee Dental hope you are enjoying all the fun in the sun, it is still important to remember to take care of your oral hygiene and dental health.
Here are a few summer dental health risks to watch out for this season:
Sugary Drinks
With the heat in full blast, a cool glass of lemonade or an electrolyte-replenishing sports drink sounds delightful. But, it is key for parents to be aware of how much sugar the family is taking in. Not only are these drinks high in sugar, but they are also high in acid – both of which are bad for your teeth. Instead, encourage the family to cut back and drink a cool glass of water instead to stay hydrated.
Activity Accidents
It is a great idea for you and the kids to get out and get active this summer, but be sure everyone is taking proper safety measures to avoid any – to both your body overall and to your teeth. Fun while biking, blading and skating can quickly turn into a painful fall. To avoid breaking or losing teeth, consider wearing a mouthguard.
Pool Water
Not many parents realize that pool water can stain your teeth. If the family plans to spend a lot of time in a chemically treated pool this summer, keep an eye out for yellow or brown deposits on the front teeth. Unfortunately, simple brushing won’t get rid of this discoloration and a visit to the dentist will be necessary. As an alternative, set up a sprinkler in the backyard, visit a public splash fountain or plan a few fun and active indoor activities for the kids to break up the pool time this summer.
Chewing Ice
A bad habit picked up by both children and adults, crunching up ice cubes to cool you down may cause you an emergency trip to the dentist instead. Hard ice can chip a tooth or damage a filling – both unpleasant any any age. Stick to ice-cold water or a chilled drink instead and save your teeth from damage.
In addition to watching out for these summer health risks, be sure to schedule regular trips to the dentist for checkups on any problems you might have missed. Schedule your next appointment with Genesee Dental today by calling 585-343-1113 or request an appointment online now.